Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Aren't you supposed to be able to handle anything?"

In March of this year, I *finally* graduated with my Master's in Psychology with a specialization in Sport Psychology.  After suffering a shattered humerus (upper arm for you non-medical folks!) in 2011, I discovered this magical field of psychology made just for athletes, and I switched my focus from clinical to sports.  Along with my degree, I have studied under Daniel Stewart, learning how to tailor my sport psychology education specifically to equestrians!  I hope to follow in the footsteps of other great sport psychology consultants and psychologists, such as Coach Stewart, Sally Swift and Tonya Johnston, all who have had amazing impacts in the equestrian sport psychology world!

A lot of people make the assumption that because I'm a sport psychology consultant, I should have my stuff together AT ALL TIMES.  So this blog is about my journey both as a sport psychology consultant and as a rider.  My goal is to expose us sport psychology folks for who we really are: 


Of course, if you get a good laugh out of it, and learn more about sport psychology, that would be great too!

So, let me take you back about two weekends ago, when my valiant steed and I were heading to Full Gallop Farm in Aiken, SC to compete at their schooling Horse Trial.  The night before, we trekked to Statesboro, GA to stay at a friend's farm, and our plan was to take her rig the next morning, because it was newer than my truck Old Red, and had more room in the cab.  We were on a time crunch the next morning, so I didn't want to put my entry fee in the hands of cranky Old Red!

So we're trucking along (pun intended) and all of a sudden, we hear a strange noise coming from the engine.  A few minutes later, and we look like this:

Yep, on the side of the highway at 7:00 AM in the middle of nowhere, on a Sunday.

I didn't panic.  Not at first.  Upon our very unskilled checking of the engine, we deduce that the serpentine belt has decided it didn't like where it was, and instead wanted to hang out underneath the truck.  So my friend whips out her phone and calls USAA, and I call Verizon Roadside Assistance on my phone.  Surely, roadside assistance can come throw a serpentine belt back on for us, right?


Just a huge FYI, if you are hauling a horse trailer, roadside assistance will not help you.  I will now be signing up for US Rider, to avoid going through this again!

About 30 minutes after sitting there, calling around to parts stores that weren't open and youtubing "how to MacGyver a serpentine belt" a kind soul pulled over, who happened to be a mechanic.

We're saved! My positive attitude has proven worthy once again!

"It's your tensioner, you aren't going to get that fixed today."

Our what?? Apparently, there is a thing that holds your serpentine belt on, and that broke. You can't buy it in stores, and you aren't going to get it fixed on a Sunday.

Okay, okay, it's okay, we left early enough, I can still make it if I can convince the organizers to move us to the end of the division.  

We get a hold of a friend who agrees to go fetch Old Red (the only other vehicle available with a gooseneck hitch) and she heads our way, ETA of one hour, with one hour and thirty minutes still ahead of us in the trip.

I call the organizer, and she moves me as far back as she can, which gives us exactly 3 hours and 15 minutes to get there.

So let's do some math - one hour wait time for truck, one hour and 30 minutes travel time, plus lets throw 15 minutes in for switching out vehicles.  If nothing else goes wrong, we will make it to Full Gallop with 30 minutes to warm up.  I decide to go ahead and spend the hour wait time getting dressed and grooming my horse so we can hop out and go.

I now look like this:

Notice the hair net.  Preparation is key people! 

I'm starting to freak out now, and I'm praying to the dressage gods to get my horse to cooperate in our limited warm-up time frame, which I know he will not be happy about.

Fast forward, we make it to FG with literally enough time to check in, tack up, and warm up for about 20 minutes before I trot down centerline.  At this point, I'm stressing out.  I had so many goals for this show, I had prepared, I wanted us to do well.  

Could you blame me if I wanted to have a meltdown?

I found myself looking at two doors (figuratively, I wasn't hallucinating yet) Door A was the door to a breakdown.  Who could blame me? Door B was the door to positive change.  I chose Door B.

My original goal for our dressage test was to score in the low 30s (dressage is not our strong suit).  Realizing that I was stressed, my horse was out of it from standing on a trailer forever, and we were rushing, I changed my goal.  "Just remember your test, and stay calm no matter what".  Goal achieved!

My goal for stadium and XC were originally to have a clean, rhythmic round, and to have it feel easy, as I was hoping this would be our show that determined our move up to the next level.  

Stadium fell apart.  We had a refusal, which never happens.  My first reaction was to get upset, but then I remembered that morning, and I forced myself to laugh it off.  This may seem like such a simple fix, but try laughing when you are so frustrated you can feel your face getting red.  I made myself laugh, and as I laughed, the tension left my body.  We still had six jumps to go, and I was going to make those the best six jumps of the round!

Cross country was just downright ugly.  I didn't have time to walk it, so I went out blind after memorizing the course map.  We've fought with jumping trakheners and ditches ever since my accident (which happened at a ditch) and Black Jack was having no part of it.  Luckily, it was a schooling show, and they allowed us to continue.  Again, I put the trakhener behind me, and we finished the rest of the course well, except for me losing a stirrup coming into the water.  I came through the finish line frustrated, but still patted my horse and said thank you for saving my butt in the water and not dumping me, as it was rather chilly out.

Now here is the secret to sport psychology - it's not always about being positive.  We are humans, and we have emotions that need to be expressed.  It's okay to be upset, and to cry.  The problem comes in when you let these things go on for much longer than they should.  So as I came through the finish line, feeling slightly defeated by the events of the day, I told myself "you have until you walk back to the trailer to feel sorry for yourself.  After that, you're going to move on and make a game plan".  So I took the walk of shame back, felt sorry for the day, and then when I reached the trailer, I patted my horse, told him we'd get it another day, and started getting ready to head home.

So the moral of the story folks:

- Goals are not set in concrete.  If you recognize the need to make a change on the fly, do it.  Don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself.
- It's okay to get upset, but set a limit.  There is no use in wallowing in failure.  Instead, make it a fuel to push you to work hard and to achieve your future goals.  
- Learn how to fix a tensioner on a serpentine belt :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, a bit of flexibility is a key to unlocking horsey happiness in my experience...cannot wait to read the rest of your blog and start following officially ☺
